
Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Wonder Rule and Vandross Index

The Wonder Rule-
Folks who ride in my car should know, I have one steadfast rule. While driving the vehicle, whether music is emitting from the radio, compact disc, or the iPod, if a song featuring Stevie Wonder is playing, no one can turn off or depart from the automobile until the song is completely finished, including any runs or improvisations during the outro.

For this very reason, passengers in my car will notice that I make sure to turn off the music if I am in a rush, just in case a Stevie Wonder song does come on the radio, or is on one of the mix discs in my car (which is often the case).

The Vandross Index-
When scoping out a new karaoke establishment, it is very important to check for the quality of the song list. Obviously, a quick check for new updates is important. For example, in 2009, one would check for Lady Gaga, or some other new artist with popular songs. If the karaoke list does not include any new songs, it is a sure sign that the establishment does not take its karaoke seriously. But for an even deeper look into the quality of the song choices, one should look for the number of songs listed by artist under Luther Vandross. If there are less than five different song choices (not counting multiple versions of the same song), the list is poor. If there are five or more, but less than fifteen, the list is satisfactory. If there are more than fifteen, the list is exceptional.