Mirror, Mirror, on the wall...

So, I haven't found the perfect rug for my living room yet. But, as you can see from the pic on the left, my dining area was quite bland (The dining table was moved to welcome my new mirror. It's not usually over next to the wall like that.)
I am pleased to announce the arrival of my new dining space mirror. It's a large, 60 by 70 oval mirror. You wouldn't believe how hard it was to find something large and oval. Everything is square and rectangular t

So, now I just have to figure out how to hang the damn thing. If you've read my previous blog posts, you'll know how "good" I am at home improvement activities. So..... it will be on the floor for a while. Yeah, I realize there's also a framed picture near the window in the photo. And that hasn't been hanged either. But that's because I haven't decided where to place it. I also have to learn how to spackle because there's a dent in the wall coming up my stairs to the second floor from the garage. It's an eyesore, but what's a boy to do? I am now under the impression that I am slowly collecting a list of "honey-dos" for a handy significant other, or, definitely more likely, I'll just wait until I have enough crap to fix around the house that I'll either do it myself or just hire a handyman.
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